Ad/Name: Vega

Soyad/Family Name: Teknolojileri


Firma Adı/Company Name: VEGA NETWORKS

Pozisyon Adı/Position Name: INTERN SW / QA ENGINEER

Pozisyon Tipi/Position Type: Stajyer

Alınacak Kişi Sayısı/Number of Employee to be Recruited: 3

İş Alanları/Fields: AR-GE / R&D
Bilgi İşlem / Computing
Haberleşme / Communication
Mühendislik / Engineering

Adayın Çalışacağı Şehir / City: İstanbul(Asya)

İş Tanımı ve Genel Nitelikler /Job Description and General Qualifications: Are you ready to kickstart your journey towards becoming a strong Mobile App Developer (iOS) or a Java Backend Developer for Cloud Data Analytics Platforms’’ ?

3rd or 4th year university student.

Ready to roll up your sleeves and commit to at least 3 months of awesomeness.

A solid grip on English.

Willing to work with Turkey's finest engineers, in a team that thrives on the spirit of Silicon Valley of the US.

This internship was made for you!